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       7日,国务院新闻办公室发布《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动》("Fighting COVID-19: China in Action")白皮书。

一、国家兴亡,匹夫有责 国家兴亡,匹夫有责。
All citizens share a responsibility for the fate of their country. 
The 1.4 billion Chinese people, irrespective of their gender, age, and occupation, have plunged themselves into the battle against the epidemic. Resilient and united, they represent a formidable force.

Medical workers rose to the challenge. 
Medical workers, from the very young to the very old, showed no hesitation in confronting the epidemic.
Showing professional devotion and a deep respect for life, many of them risked their own lives, racing against time and working round the clock to try to save every patient. They built a Great Wall against the virus, bringing light and hope to the nation at a dark time. 
They endured tremendous fatigue and stress, and paid a heavy price. More than 2,000 medical workers were infected, and scores died in the line of duty.

No one is born a hero, yet their selflessness made them fearless.
These people, with the nobility, kindness, and devotion that are intrinsic to their profession, have etched an unforgettable chapter in the history of the Chinese nation and in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Employing proactive, science-based, and flexible ways of treatment, they did everything possible to treat each and every patient, from an infant only 30 hours old to a centenarian. The goal was to save every single patient whatever the cost. 
Medical workers braved the threat of infection to collect virus specimens. No one flinched, however daunting their task. 
To treat seriously ill patients, local governments and hospitals tried every means to acquire and reallocate ECMO equipment. 

As long as there was the slightest hope, doctors would never give up, and the need for personnel, medicines, equipment, or funds was met.
To date, more than 3,000 patients over the age of 80, including 7 centenarians, have been cured, with many of them brought back to life from the verge of death.
For example, a 70-year-old patient was saved thanks to intensive treatment and care by more than 10 medical workers over a period of several weeks. The cost of his treatment, nearly RMB1.5 million, was fully covered by the government.

As of May 31, a total of RMB162.4 billion had been allocated by governments of all levels to fight the virus.
As of May 31, the medical bills of 58,000 inpatients with confirmed infections had been settled by basic medical insurance, with a total expenditure of RMB1.35 billion, or RMB23,000 per person.
The average cost for treating COVID-19 patients in severe condition surpassed RMB150,000, and in some critical cases the individual cost exceeded RMB1 million, all covered by the state.

Placing people’s lives above economic growth.
疫情暴发后,以宁可一段时间内经济下滑甚至短期“停摆”,也要对人民生命安全和身体健康负责的巨大勇气,对湖北省和武汉市果断采取史 无 前 例的******严格管控措施。
When the novel coronavirus struck, China decided that it would protect the lives and health of its people even at the cost of a short-term economic downturn and even a temporary shutdown. The government took strict and comprehensive control measures, never tried before, in the city of Wuhan and Hubei province.

People in Wuhan and other parts of Hubei fought with resolve against the novel coronavirus and made sacrifices to contain its spread.
The people of Wuhan and Hubei were confronted with many challenges. All channels of exit from the city and the province were temporarily closed, intra-city public transport was suspended, and the capital city came to a standstill. The high risk of infection, tight supply of medical and daily necessities, and extended period of isolation were compounded by the trauma of bereavement for those who lost friends or family members to the virus. However, with grit in their hearts and the wider interests of others in their minds, they united to stop the transmission of the virus.
In this great war, their heroism will be remembered and will go down in history.

危难面前,中国人民对中国共 产 党和中国政府高度信任,勇敢承担起社会责任,为取得抗疫胜利约束自我乃至牺牲自我。
In the face of adversity, Chinese people have great faith in the Party and the government. They courageously shouldered their social responsibilities, and on this occasion made great sacrifices to win the battle against the epidemic.
The Chinese New Year holiday arrived amid the epidemic. Following government orders to contain the virus, the whole population acted in concert, and social exchanges shrank to a minimum.
Visits to friends and relatives were canceled and so were other gatherings; people quarantined themselves, wore masks, began to take their body temperature regularly, and practiced other social distancing measures. 
The consensus was that protecting oneself was protecting others and making contribution to the country, so everyone took voluntary actions against the virus. 

Through painstaking efforts and tremendous sacrifice, and having paid a heavy price, China has succeeded in turning the situation around. In little more than a single month, the rising spread of the virus was contained; in around two months, the daily increase in domestic coronavirus cases had fallen to single digits; and in approximately three months, a decisive victory was secured in the battle to defend Hubei province and its capital city of Wuhan.

National tribute to the deceased.
On April 4, the Chinese traditional Tomb-sweeping Day, China paid tribute to all those who had given their lives in the fight against COVID-19, and those who had died of the disease. People throughout the country observed a silence to mourn the loss of lives and pay tribute to heroes who had protected others’ lives at the cost of their own. 
From the top leader to ordinary people, 1.4 billion Chinese bade farewell to their dear departed.
This solemn national ceremony demonstrates that the country respects and holds in awe the dignity and lives of people as individuals. It signifies the solidarity and strength of 1.4 billion Chinese.

Facing the sudden onslaught of a previously unknown virus, China has put the people’s interests first – nothing is more precious than people’s lives. It has rapidly mobilized the manpower and resources of the whole nation and done everything possible to protect the lives and health of its people.

历经疫情磨砺,中国人民更加深切地认识到,风雨来袭,中国共 产 党的领导是很重要的保障、很可靠的依托,对中国共 产 党更加拥护和信赖,对中国制度更加充满信心。
After weathering the epidemic, the Chinese people have keenly realized that the CPC leadership is the most reliable shelter against storms. Their trust in and support for the Party have increased, along with their confidence in China’s political system.

The common enemy of humanity is this virus, not any particular country or any particular race.
China calls on the international community to come together, abandon prejudice and arrogance, resist scapegoating and other such self-serving artifices, and stand against stigmatization and politicization of the virus. In doing so we will see that the spirit of solidarity, cooperation, responsibility and dedication leads people around the world towards victory in our fight against the pandemic. 
China has suffered tremendously but has contributed generously to the global efforts to combat the virus. Its efforts should be duly recognized, and it should not be criticized groundlessly. 

Preventing and controlling the spread of the virus has become a fight to safeguard global public health, to secure the wellbeing of humanity, to maintain world prosperity, and to enforce morality and conscience on the international community. It is a fight that will determine the future of the human race.
We have no other choice but to overcome the pandemic. The international community must find resolve and forge unity. 
Solidarity means strength. The world will win this battle.