   产品销往江、浙、沪等地,可提供出省手续及:1.动物检疫合格证2.生猪检疫合格证明 3.五号病防疫证明4.车辆******证明5.生猪地来源证明6.检疫报告(瘦肉精、非洲猪瘟)7.一猪一证(检验合格证)

销售:王总 13904531787
销售:刘总 15945383333
销售:荣总 15145336666
法人:张青 17745300000


首页 > 公司简介

     牡丹江市鑫鹏肉业有限责任公司于2006年11月13日成立, 其占地面积13万平方米,注册资金4000万元,现有员工300余人,其中管理人员25人,专业技术人员220人,总投资3.3亿元,现有企业固定资产总值8,589万元,年销售收入额35,064万元是集生猪屠宰与加工为一体的肉类加工企业。




     公司所生产的“鑫鹏牌”和“雪城牌”等系列产品被国家农业部认定为“无公害农产品”,并荣获黑龙江省“******产品”、省级“用户满意产品”和“放心食品”及牡丹江消费者***信赖品牌;公司先后被黑龙江省政府确定为,“省级重点龙头企业”、省级“守合同、重信用企业”及省级“用户满意企业”;公司连续多年被评为黑龙江省“畜禽定点屠宰加工先进企业”; 2014年,被黑龙江出入镜检验检疫局批准为《食品出口企业备案资格》。


     Brief Introduction to Xinpeng Meat Industry Co., Ltd.

     Mudanjiang Xinpeng Meat Industry Co., Ltd. was founded on 13 Nov.2006. It covers an area of 130 thousand square meters, with registration fund 40 million yuan, there are more than 300 staffs and 25 of them are administrators, 220 are specialized technicians. The total investment is 330 million yuan, the total value of fixed assets is 85.89 million yuan, and the annual sales income is 350.64 million yuan,it is a large comprehensive meat products processing enterprise with pig breeding, feed processing, live pig slaughtering and commercial service, etc.

     1.2 million pigs can be slaughtered per year, the company is the largest pig slaughter basement in south-east Heilongjiang province.

     The company has safe and steady live pig breeding basements and more than 50 registered farms, to produce fine lean meat with modern international PIC system and long big hybridized pigs to guarantee the provision; We produce series of fresh and frozen meat, acid exhausted meat, frozen cuts of brand ‘Xinpeng’and ‘Xuecheng with international modern equipments and art. We also develop new products according to the sales information return to fulfill the customers’ requirement in different areas; our products not only conquer our local markets but also are quite popular in Harbin, Shenyang, Dalian, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Hongkong and foreign markets.

     The products are quarantined and inspected strictly from purchasing, slaughtering, processing, packing and transportation; conform to the requirement of HACCP, and go after the modern international cold-chain management mode to produce to dispatch and sell, to guarantee the quality of meat and safety food.

     The company Series of products branded”Xinpeng” and ”Xuecheng” are identified as “No harm agricultural product” by State Agricultural Ministry, and obtained name brand products and customers’ satisfied products in Heilongjiang province, best reliable products in Mudanjiang. The company was accepted as city leader enterprise by Mudanjiang government, and named by Heilongjiang government as enterprise of honored contract, trust worthiness and customers’ satisfied enterprise. The company has been appraised by Heilongjiang province as advanced enterprise in fixed livestock and poultry slaughtering spots for two years. And we got the qualification for food export by Heilongjiang Entry-exit Inspection & Quarantine bureau in 2010.

     The company insists to run with credibility, and double win in business, to produce more and more fine, green, safe meat products for customers.